
Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!

Raise your hand if you, or someone you know, has been affected by Breast Cancer.

*Raises hand*

Let's face it, with numbers on the rise, it is uncommon that you've come into contact with someone that hasn't been affected by Breast Cancer.  According to, this year there will be about 232,670 new cases of breast cancer and 40,000 deaths from breast cancer in women and 2,360 new cases and 430 deaths in men.

Living a healthy lifestyle could quite possibly reduce your risk or recurrence of breast cancer. Please get screened, a simple mammography or MRI can find early stages. These numbers are increasing every year, so don't wait to get screened!
Show your support this month, and every month, for the people in your life that are battling this ugly disease. Wear your pink ribbons proud!

We carry all kinds of Breast Cancer Awareness items, from badge holders to scrub tops to watches!
Shop now: