
Thursday, February 14, 2013

National Donor Day

In the US, there are over 100 million people registered to be an organ donor, one organ donor can save up to 8 lives! Isn't that amazing? So many people can receive the gift of life from just a few of us being willing to donate.

With the support of the US Department of Health and Human Services, National Donor Day was started in 1998 by the Satum Corporation and its United Auto Workers partners.

There are names being added to the donor waiting list while you are reading this blog; approximately every 10 minutes someone is added. On average, 79% of people receive organ transplants each day. Although, about 18 people pass away each day waiting for transplants because of the shortage of donated organs.

As of May 2009, the percentage of beneficiaries who were still alive 5 years post-transplant are as follows for the heart, liver, kidney, and lung.
- Heart: 74.9%
- Liver: 73.8%
- Kidney: 69.3%
- Lung: 54.4%

For more information on how you can help, becoming a donor or why you should donate, please visit

Friday, February 1, 2013

February is American Heart Month!

Did you know?
~ The #1 killer of women is Heart disease, causing 1 in 3 deaths annually.
~ Heart disease kills more women than all kinds of cancer combined.
~ One death per minute, at an average rate, kills more women than men.

By making a few good choices, you can avoid being diagnosed or reduce your risk ! To start with, eat better and make substitutions where you can. Get active, take a walk with the family. Manage your blood pressure, stop smoking, reduce blood sugar, control your cholesterol, and either lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Just small changes can make a huge difference.

Feb. 1, 2013 is the 10th anniversary of the American Heart Associations Go Red For Women®. Play your part by wearing red on Feb 1st for National Wear Red Day®. We'll be wearing ours!