A new year often means a renewed focus on health, and so February is a fitting time for American Heart Month. This year, let’s all take a moment to stop and think about not only heart disease and how to prevent it, but what we’re doing in our own lives to ward off potential cardiac issues. This is a biggie for anyone who has a heart — and that of course means all of!
What is American Heart Month? Glad you asked. This is the time when organizations around the nation, spearheaded by the American Heart Association, raise awareness in the community and in our personal lives to make healthier heart-centered choices. These include
· concentrated efforts to promote better cardiovascular exercise;
· better dietary choices;
· regular checkups; and
· a push to eliminate tobacco use of all kinds.
These outreach programs are being done in schools, hospitals, gyms, community centers and anywhere else folks gather, so they should be easy to find.
Heart disease still ranks as the No. 1 cause of death in America, so it needs to be combated on all fronts. There are lots of online materials, a downloadable PDF and other resources to help you get involved. Send out your own American Heart Month newsletter. Or link up from your Facebook account. Send tweets throughout the month of February to spread the message.
And, this year, there is a red-letter day to highlight on the calendar. This is National Wear Red Day, an offshoot of Go Red for Women, on Feb. 5. What’s it all about? Glad you asked! National Red Wear Day is devoted to fighting heart disease for women in America. It is important to remember that heart disease or strokes are responsible for one out of every three deaths for American women every year.
This is an urgent issue, deserving our best efforts. Be among one of many you’ll see sporting red this Feb. 5, a visible and colorful way to proclaim solidarity and support.
Of course February has lots more days in it — 29 this year, thanks to Leap Year — to support American Heart Month. Take part in community events, but also dedicate this month to making better, heart-healthy choices for you and your family (20 minutes a day on the treadmill, substituting spice for salt, a brisk walk after dinner). From all of us to all of you, let’s make February 2016 the best American Heart Month yet!

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