Here at Scrubin we regularly highlight many days of the year concerning public health and related issues, days to raise awareness, advocate for preventative treatment, raise funds for research and treatment.
None is bigger than Feb. 4, 2016. This is World Cancer Day — and this is a big deal. There is hardly a life on this planet that hasn’t been or won’t be touched by this most dreaded of diseases, in one of its many manifestations. This is the most personal of health issues, and the most global.
An estimated 8.2 million people worldwide die of cancer every year. Imagine if half these lives could be saved. Or 2 million, or 1 million. What a difference it would make for global health and societal impact the world over.
And seemingly lofty goals like these are easily within reach. The focus of World Cancer Day is to raise education and awareness, and to save millions of preventable deaths every year. There really is no larger health issue than this.
That brings us to, what can we do to help? When it comes to awareness of this special day, it’s all about outreach. Spread the word about World Cancer Day, share it on social media, link to the website, download materials and add or link a World Cancer Day event in your local area to the Map of Impact.
There are currently 242 activities across the globe World Cancer Day 2016. So far, they are as diverse and inspirational as the countries who are hosting them:
· Fundraising events in Baltimore and Calgary
· The Concert of Hope in Poland
· The Mass for the 13th Anniversary of the League Against Cancer in Peru
· South Africa has Women Against Cancer events
· Events promoting healthy lifestyles for cancer prevention in China
A global disease demands global actions, and this is what World Cancer Day is all about.
In addition, there are dozens of packets of promotional materials to spread the word about not only World Cancer Day but the constant battle against the disease. These range from logos expressing solidarity with cancer victims, stirring stories from cancer survivor, and online packets detailing healthy lifestyle choices, anti-tobacco campaigns and the urgent need for worldwide cancer screenings, which alone could save millions of lives every year.
In this technological age of ours, when information can be disseminated in the blink of an eye via Facebook and Twitter and social media platforms, there is an amazing opportunity for everyone, everywhere to be as educated as possible concerning steps to prevent and treat cancer of all types. Medical science and research has made great strides but the most immediate impact most of us can make is to educate ourselves and inform our friends, family and associates about how we can take the fight to cancer.
So from all of us here at Scrubin, have a productive and impactful World Cancer Day! Let’s all do our part! It could make all the difference.
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